dynamic and interactive presentations
Craig Scott's exceptional ability to capture the audience's attention extends to young ones as well! Age appropriate presentations focus on instilling kindness and compassion in students. This powerful message is reaffirmed through a school-wide hands-on project.
Through inspiring stories of Rachel Scott, students gain a new understanding of how valuable each person is. Her words and actions serve as powerful examples, making her a true role model and hero in their eyes.
* Does not contain any messages related to Columbine, school shootings, or violence.
Presentation is followed by teacher training that focuses on engaging even the most challenging students and fostering a sense of unity throughout the school.
Assembly Time: Let’s Focus on Respect, Unity, and Inclusion
Enjoy an hour filled with music, dancing, videos, and fun! Kids will love it and won't want to leave!
By highlighting Rachel Scott's compassionate actions, students will see her as a kindness superhero and be encouraged to emulate her. They will discover the power of kindness and empathy, emphasizing the value of every individual.
Five age-appropriate challenges are given to foster kindness, respect, and appreciation for all.
“Chain Links of Kindness” is a school-wide project. This is a simple and engaging way to involve every student, staff member, and administrator and acknowledge each other’s kind acts. Each link represents one act of kindness, and students eagerly compete to add as many links to their class chain as possible.
“My students couldn’t wait to get out of the door to start their chains of kindness! We now have hundreds of feet lining our hallways.”
- Ms. Nastasi, Therapist, Lighthouse Academy for Dyslexia
“It was great! What I loved most was the music and dancing. Second, I liked learning how I can be kind when others are having a bad day.”
- Eli S., 4th grade, Harper McCughan Elementary School