Awaken the Learner
Our job as educators is to Awaken The Learner within. This session explores effective education based on the idea that everyone has an inner genius. Developed by reasercher of education, Dr. Robert Marzano, and Craig’s father, Darrell Scott, this training reflects the philosophies of top educators from when the U.S. was #1 in education.
Craig also shares some of his profound experiences with students over the years and insights into breaking down walls within youth.
Training that looks at education that doesn’t just teach the head but touches the heart. TOPICS COVERED:
Providing the right climate and culture
Daily remembering your “Why?”
Appreciating Diversity & Celebrating Unity
Translating 4 Powerful Negative Emotions
Being a “see-througher” with students
“I found myself using this message over and over again throughout the year. It's pretty amazing to see a young person reflect on a message from an assembly months earlier and change their behavior!” -Missy Chvatal, School Counselor